Don’t take things personally…


How do you not take things personally? Well this is a hard one and an ongoing battle at times.  I can’t say I’m always very good at this but what I can tell you is that it’s like a muscle, you have to exercise it and the more you exercise it the better you get at it.

For me this is an ongoing ‘checking in’ with myself.  I try to remember that whatever someone says or does is actually nothing to do with  me and more of a reflection of what is going on for them.  This perspective allows me to have some compassion and drop into a space of curiosity to gain greater understanding about what is really going on.

I try to see things from the perspective that if someone does or says something that hurts me, then it’s my responsibility to figure out what it triggers in me and either let it go or have a conversation with the person about it.  It doesn’t mean I have to be ok with their behaviour but what it does mean is that I can feel more empowered!  I can allow for other possibilities and can be less affected by how their behaviour impacts me.

In any given situation we can act from one of two places – love or fear.  They say that you don’t see the world as it is, you see it as you are.  So if you are struggling with this spend some time on how you would prefer to see the world and work on that.